Barrenness and Fertility of Women in the Bible- An Ecotheological and Ecofeminist Perspective

  • G Phebe Angus Assistant Professor, Madras Christian College, Tambaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Ecotheology, ecofeminism, barrenness, fertility, exploitation, care, neglect


Changes to the environment caused by globalization and establishment of Multi National Companies have resulted in the loss of livelihood and traditional resource bases, forced displacement and increased impoverishment and led to exploitation of the young, underpaid and disadvantaged women (Gangoli 54). “Ecofeminism states that patriarchal society is relatively new, something developed over the last 2000 years or so and that the matriarchal society was the first society”(Tandon 56). “Men’s desire to dominate and conquer... [results] from a deep psychological insecurity stemming from men’s inability to give birth to life.” (Tandon 146). So one way for men to exercise control over women is to make them remain barren. Barrenness is not only biological, it is a psychological aggression meated on women who have the desire to experience motherhood. “...words can convey meaning by means other than verbal... through other functions, other identities” and “Meaning can be conveyed, perhaps conveyed better through mens other than words” (Chaudhuri 78). Sexual union is therefore a language men and women use to communicate to each other that they respect and need each other. When it is deprived it communicates of one’s inability or that one does not value the presence of another in their life. Therefore a biologically fertile women can be psychologically or metaphorically barren. This paper analyses barrenness and fertility from an ecotheological and ecofeminist perspective and shows the impact neglect and sexual abuse has on barren women.

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How to Cite
Phebe Angus, G. (2018). Barrenness and Fertility of Women in the Bible- An Ecotheological and Ecofeminist Perspective. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(2), 75-79. Retrieved from