Man and Woman Relationship in Manju Kapur’s a Married Woman

  • M Abinaya M.Phil., English,Sakthi College of Arts and Science for Women, Oddanchatram, Tamil Nadu, India


A Married Woman by Manju Kapur, in this novel the protagonist as the daughters has an educated middle -class Delhi woman and could ask for a loving and affluent surrounding and yet consumed with a sense of dissatisfaction. She begins an extra marital affair. She describes men and women relationship consists of multiple identity quest of heroine, the protagonist Astha, who initially feels sense of separation from her married life and family. But finally resigns herself to accepting reality, by reviews her relationship with her husband as a mark of conclusion that is reviving man andwoman relationship which is vital one for all human being in this common world.

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How to Cite
Abinaya, M. (2018). Man and Woman Relationship in Manju Kapur’s a Married Woman. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(2), 193-198. Retrieved from