Improving Communicative Competency of Rural Area Engineering Students

  • T Banuramalakshmi AP/English, SNS College of Engineering
  • C Divya AP/English, SNS College of Engineering


This research paper highlights the improving communicative competency of rural area engineering students as and the problems faced by them during academic as well as skilledlife and its possible remedies. Majority of the students in engineering colleges are from rural areas. They do possess intelligence necessary for getting admission for higher learningbut they lag behind in the English communication competence. So, duringacademics and career they face a lot of problems. To be successful in studies and campus. Itis important to achieve English communication competence. The teachers and students should combine and make efforts which include planand active participation of teachers and students in teaching –learning method comprising question answering session, Role plays, GD’s and Language Lab session.

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How to Cite
Banuramalakshmi, T., & Divya, C. (2017). Improving Communicative Competency of Rural Area Engineering Students. Shanlax International Journal of English, 5(3), 1-4. Retrieved from