Portrayal of New Women in Manjukapur’s Difficult Daughters

  • J Augustin Selvaraj M.Phil English, Sadakathullah Appa College
Keywords: Feminism, Motifs, Modern Women, Representation, New Women


Manju Kapur‟s Difficult Daughters is one of the legendary novels in which much study has been already done since she is a thoroughbred feminist whose writings allure the attention of critics and researchers. Kapur‟s novels are essentially full of symbols and motifs which enrich the theme of her writings. This paper tries to bring out the portrayal of New Women in Manju Kapur‟s Difficult Daughters. All the female characters of this novel symbolise “New Women”. And so, this article is more of a study in Feminism. Manju Kapur‟s Difficult Daughters stresses on the woman‟s need for selffulfilment autonomy, self-realization, independence individuality and self-actualization. Located primarily in the India of the 1940‟s, among the writers who have portrayed the „new woman‟ who is inclined to take the „road not taken‟, and walking on their „own road‟, Manju Kapur undoubtedly arrests attention.

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How to Cite
Augustin Selvaraj, J. Portrayal of New Women in Manjukapur’s Difficult Daughters. Shanlax International Journal of English, 5(2), 21-24. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/english/article/view/3019