Manju Kapur’s Portrayal of Gender Discrimination in Difficult Daughters; An Overview

  • P. Jojappa (REG. NO. P5874), Part-Time Ph.D. Scholar in English, Principal, Little Flower School, Hyderabad
  • N. Gnanaselvi Guide & Supervisor, Associate Professor of English, Department of English, Sri Meenakshi Government Arts, College (W), Madurai
Keywords: Taboos, Patriarchal, Outmoded, Spiritual Odyssey, Feminist Discourse, Ostracism, Conventionridden, Progressive, Feminine Assertion, Chauvinism, Ancestral Home, Inner Turbulence, Infirmity, Melancholy, Hindering Presence, Contradictions, Disastrous Marriage


It is a known truth that Indian women are dislocated, alienated individuals who are crushed by tradition, household injustice, and institutionalised oppression. These women are also the captives of their period, society, and romantic fantasies. Women have thus been the primary victims of male rule throughout history. A lady is confronted with societal norms, rewards, and punishments from infancy in an effort to prevent the development of any traits common to the other half of humankind. Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughters highlights the issue of gender inequality and the struggle of the disadvantaged Indian women within the oppressive framework of a closed society despite not being overtly feminist. the struggle to keep their dignity and ultimately regain their freedom. The story of Difficult Daughters, which is set during the time of partition, focuses on a woman whose struggle for freedom consumes her and mars her otherwise calm appearance with
signs of agony and division.

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How to Cite
Jojappa, P., & Gnanaselvi, N. (2020). Manju Kapur’s Portrayal of Gender Discrimination in Difficult Daughters; An Overview. Shanlax International Journal of English, 8(2), 50-53.