Themes and Techniques of Indian English Drama - A Postcolonial Study

  • S. Krishnamoorthi Associate Professor of English, Ganadhipathi Tulsi's Jain Engineering College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
Keywords: Hybrid Literary Genre, Mixed Origin, Local Heritage, Global Trends, Multiculturalism, Bilingualism


Indian English Drama, as we all know, is a literary branch of the social experience between the East and the West occasioned by the pilgrim rule in India. Indian English is a questionable marker that has captivated and perplexed the specialists as respects it’s starting point and highlights. Also, Indian English Drama as a half and half artistic kind makes certain to coax us out of thought by virtue of the two dramatic conventions (English and Indian) that it is a beneficiary to. English Drama with its blended cause from old style and native conventions and Indian Drama with its people and oral legacy met up to deliver a differed posterity. On the off chance that bilingualism and multiculturalism have guaranteed the obscuring of limits between 'Indian English Drama' and 'Indian Drama in English Translation' is then nearby legacy and worldwide patterns have added to the amazing assortment and variety in its topics and strategies. It affected by the poststructuralist and postmodernist thought of decentering postcolonial hypothesis that appeared as a basic hypothesis centering pilgrim experience from the point of view of the colonized toward the finish of the 20th century, begun to challenge the Universalist case of writing. As a hypothesis, it compares with pioneer feelings in the ordinance, and substitutes the frontier meta-stories with counter-accounts of obstruction, by revamping history and asserting social characters through methodologies, for example, nativism, nonconformity, social syncretism, hybridity, mimicry, dynamic interest and absorption. It upheld by an enemy of essentialist perspective on personality and culture, postcolonial hypothesis studies social progressions and the Eurocentric innovation. Hence, the present study has been focused to give an overview on the themes and techniques of Indian English Drama in postcolonial period.

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How to Cite
Krishnamoorthi, S. (2018). Themes and Techniques of Indian English Drama - A Postcolonial Study. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(2), 244-256. Retrieved from