Ideal Husband as a Key Symbol in Anna Karenina

  • Maria Vincent Assistant Professor, Department of English, Al Azhar College of Arts and Science, Thodupuzha, Kerala, India
Keywords: Anna Karenina, Symbol, Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin, Leo Tolstoy, Ideal husband


This paper tries to symbolically evaluate the character, Alexi Alexandrovich Karenin, as an ideal husband figure in comparison with other characters from the movie Anna Karenina (2012) which is an adaptation of the well-known novel Anna Karenina by the prominent author, Leo Tolstoy. Here, the dramatic focus is not just bestowed to the protagonist and her lover, instead the side lined and betrayed meek character with his true heart is valued as ideal. The novel throws light towards the elements of love, lust and eventually to its consequences. While the exact focus can be brought towards the absence of selfishness, providence of love and trueness of sacrifice portrayed by Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin.

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How to Cite
Vincent, M. (2021). Ideal Husband as a Key Symbol in Anna Karenina. Shanlax International Journal of English, 9(3), 50-53.