The Cave of Solitude in Anitha Desai's Bye Bye Black Bird

  • R. Indu Preethi Assistant Professor of English, PG & Research Depatment of English, Saraswathi Narayanan College, Perungudi, Madurai
Keywords: Martial Discord, Isolation, Exile, Fear, Sorrow


Liberation of women appears to maintain a significant position in history for a variety of reasons. It has called into question the prevalent patriarchal beliefs. Women's writing does not have to be feminist. Absence and denial might, nevertheless, reveal feminist perspectives. Among the prominent themes of feminist writing are Indian women's sorrows, marital strife, nihilism, and mental abuse. For many female novelists, the struggle for originality is a favourite theme. Aside from that, numerous female writers have written about women struggling to break free from their oppressive environments. In this way, how Anitha Desai's Bye Bye Black Bird portrays the protagonist's misery in her secluded world is the main focus of this paper. Desai, in reality, writes about the wretched predicament of women who are subjected to callous and uncaring husbands. As a result of the fragile hearts' expectations, characters experience alienation, isolation, loneliness, and a lack of contact, all of which occur repeatedly in the novel under consideration in this paper.

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How to Cite
Indu Preethi, R. (2018). The Cave of Solitude in Anitha Desai’s Bye Bye Black Bird. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(2), 289-293. Retrieved from