Suggested Introductory English Lit. Course

Keywords: Course, Teacher, Literature, Introductory, Plan


While teaching, a clear course plan will enable a teacher to present the assigned course in a smooth and effective way. It’s not enough to know the text you’re going to teach. As an experienced teacher, I introduce this introductory suggested course plan as a model that might be adopted and modified according to the surrounding circumstances a teacher may find her/himself in. Many factors can interfere and cause changes, such as the time limit, the number of students, their level, and so on. As a result, rather than leaving everything to chance, I present this course plan, hoping that colleagues and readers will think about it and consider utilizing it.

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How to Cite
Dohal, G. (2022). Suggested Introductory English Lit. Course. Shanlax International Journal of English, 10(3), 19-22.