Thematic Analysis in Beatrice Mosionier’s Novel ‘April Raintree’

  • S Udhayakumar Assistant Professor, Department of English and Comparative Literature, School of English and Foreign Languages,Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Racism, Canadian Literature, Victimization, Oppression, Multicultural, Feminism


Beatrice Mosionier’s debut novel In Search of April Raintree reveals much of her own traumatic experience that she has beautifully framed with realistic depictions. It not only deals with her personal life but also it implicitly deals with the life of many Canadian women who experience similar kind of issues in the Canadian multicultural society. The most common issues are racism, alcoholism, prostitution, and other social challenges that have been strongly voiced by Mosionier in the novel. Moreover, social oppression and individual transformation have been framed parallel in the novel to highlight the conflict part of the novel. Further, the central characters of the novel, the twin sisters April and Cheryl Raintree’s two different perspectives of life indicate a clear message of victimization by all the oppressive powers. Further, the difference in the attitude of the two sisters, their determination and resolution gain a prime importance in the plot of the novel. Hence, a thematic study upon these matters would give a detailed outlook to the novel.

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How to Cite
Udhayakumar, S. (2022). Thematic Analysis in Beatrice Mosionier’s Novel ‘April Raintree’. Shanlax International Journal of English, 10(3), 38-42.