The Concept of Dynamic Objectivity in Mildred D. Taylor’s “Song of the Trees”
From time immemorial, human beings have been living together with nature and utilizing the boundless gifts offered by nature. At present, human beings have become so cruel as to be ungrateful for nature and are destroying it for their selfish needs, forgetting that their actions could result in a dystopian world. Understanding the concept of “Dynamic Objectivity” is much needed to safe guard nature in the contemporary era. Dynamic objectivity means the concept of looking at nature not as a fixed entity, but as a living subject with full of life and energy. The short story “Song of the Trees” by Mildred. D Taylor showcases dynamic objectivity with the help of the Logan family, who strive hard to save the trees from white lumberman Andersen. This paper aims to establish the relationship between the short story “Song of the Trees” and the concept of dynamic objectivity.
Copyright (c) 2024 R Rizwana Sanofar, S Azariah Kirubakarn
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