Shanlax International Journal of English <p>P-ISSN: 2320-2645 | E-ISSN: 2582-3531</p> Shanlax International Journals en-US Shanlax International Journal of English 2320-2645 Otherization and Identity Distortion in Dangarembga’s Writing <p>In spite of the fact that most African novelists, penning stories in English language by the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, were graduates of the British colonial missionaries and universities, they had yet been able to escape the suppressive ideology of colonization and become genuine mouthpieces for their native communities’ struggles and adversity. Amongst whom, the Zimbabwean Tsitsi Dangarembga rose to the fore as representative of her fellow countrywomen during the British colonization. Henceforth, concomitant with the rise of postcolonial criticism in the literary arena, this paper aims to address the European colonial mechanism of otherization and its impact on the identity construction of the otherized subject in Dangarembga’s novels, Nervous Conditions and The Book of Not. Dangarembga foreshadows the main thematic realm of her semi-autobiographical trilogy, through her first novel’s title which is reminiscent of Frantz Fanon’s preface in the book of The Wretched of the Earth. To unravel the intricate complexities of the colonizer/colonized contact, this study pinpoints the psychological confusion of the protagonist, Tambuzdai, as an exemplar of the colonized Black individual’s distress. To fathom the depth of Tambu’s psyche during those encounters, this paper relies on Elke Boehmer’s attribution of otherization as a Western self-projecting process that seeks to produce self-soothing and “dark mirror-images” of the other. In addition, Du Bois’s analysis of double consciousness seems to account for the protagonist’s identity crisis and self alienation. In conclusion, Dangarembga does not seem as an opponent of cultural exchanges in general or hybridity in particular, but she simply advocates cautious adaption that does not decentre and disregard one’s native-ness and cultural origins.</p> Inas Laheg ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 1 6 10.34293/english.v12i3.7769 Exploring Decolonization and Colonial Legacies: A Postcolonial Reading of Khushwant Singh’s Novel Train to Pakistan <p>The paper examines the multifaceted nature of decolonization, encompassing socio-cultural, economic, political, psychological, and territorial aspects, which signifies the emancipation of the colonized. It focuses on the Indian subcontinent, utilizing Khushwant Singh’s partition novel, Train to Pakistan, to scrutinize whether an ideal decolonization occurred in postcolonial India or not. Besides, it underlines the imperative of achieving ideal decolonization, emphasizing the prime necessity of reclaiming native identity, language, and cultural heritage for India’s advancement following the British Empire’s collapse in 1947. The research aims to depict the often-violent process of decolonization and examines how inheritances of colonialism still persist in contemporary Indian societies, political and administrative systems, manifesting in various forms, and masks. This qualitative study employs postcolonial theory to analyze the selectedtext, supplemented by data from credible secondary sources to accomplish its objectives.</p> Mahmud AI Hasan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 7 16 10.34293/english.v12i3.7702 Discerning Pervasive Figures of Speech in English Poetic Constructions <p>A figure of speech serves as a literary device, strategically employing words or phrases in a manner that transcends their literal meanings, and creates a distinct effect. This article aims to discern pervasive figures of speech in English poetic constructions crafted by various poets. Employing a qualitative stylistic approach, the article involves examples as the demonstrations,boldface words as discernment and explication of discerned figures of speech as clarification. It reveals the findings that figures of speech in poetic construction suggest rich layers of meaning, evoke vivid imagery and emotions, convey symbolic significance, enhance the musicality of the text, and invite readers to engage in interpretation and exploration. They are essential tools for poets to express complex ideas and evoke profound emotional responses from their readers. It is expected to prove beneficial to college students pursuing poetry as a major subject, as well as teachers keen on instructing figures of speech in English poetry. It is significant as it indicates that enhanced capacity for memorization and comprehension of figures of speech augments the overall grasp of poetic constructions thereby fostering a more profound understanding of entire poems among both students and teachers.</p> Lok Raj Sharma ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 17 26 10.34293/english.v12i3.7703 Colonial Landscape Navigation: Postcolonial Ecocriticism in Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh <p>This article examines how colonialism, ecology, and postcolonial viewpoints interact in Amitav Ghosh’s novel. The main themes and theoretical frameworks used to analyse the novel’s representation of a colonial environment and its ecological repercussions are highlighted in this study. Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh brings readers to a 19th-century India firmly enmeshed in British colonialism. This work explores the intricate interactions between people and the environment, exploring the massive ecological changes brought on by imperial conquest via a postcolonial eco-critical perspective. This study reveals the novel’s ecological roots by looking at how Ghosh questions conventional narratives and presents a criticism of the effects of colonial rule on both human and non-human beings. The research emphasises the function of landscape as a place of contestation and resistance, illuminating how nature is exploited and perverted within the colonial setting by drawing on postcolonial theory and eco-critical frameworks. Important problems about power dynamics, environmental justice, and the connections between capitalism and ecological degradation are brought up by Ghosh’s depictions of the opium trade, the transatlantic slave trade, and the privatisation of nature.</p> Harsha Eswaraiah J.G Ravi Kumar S.V. Narasimha Murthy ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 27 31 10.34293/english.v12i3.7494 Environmental Literature and Ecocriticism - A Study <p>The paper aims at studying the significance of Environmental Literature and Eco criticism from a humanitarian perspective. The study is based on the critical analysis of the secondary data, collected through sources such as books, Magazines, review of related articles from Newspapers, Journals, Internet and Govt. Websites. While narrating the tradition of Environmental literature and Eco criticism the paper examines with illustrations how the concern and care for our environment has been expressed in the select literary texts (both fiction and nonfiction) and genres of different periods of time. Further the paper makes an attempt to throw light upon what reformative influence it had upon the society in general. The paper concludes with the reflections upon the emerging trends in the approaches towards Environmental Literature and Eco- criticism.</p> Bharati N Adkoli ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 32 36 10.34293/english.v12i3.7705 Through Feminist Eyes: Gender Identities and Gender Roles in the Fiction of Fay Weldon <p>In a society of patriarchal hegemony, women have been subordinated and humiliated in such a way that many feminist writers have highlighted the pathetic plight of women. The commodification and humiliation to which the women have been subjected form favourite fictional themes for writers like Fay Weldon. The premise is that man is woman’s protector whose authority she has to acquiesce in whether she wills it or not. Female relationships in all their multiplicity and complexity are what Fay Weldon probes in most of her works. Some of her novels set in the seventies reflect certain features of radical feminism in that they deal with gender difference and its impact on women. This article focuses on Weldon’s concern for the creation of female spaces and the need for the assertion of their identities in a patriarchal society. Weldon does not adopt a tone of confrontation, rather strikes a healthy compromise between conciliation and confrontation.</p> Vidya Rajagopal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 37 39 10.34293/english.v12i3.7275 Impact of Language Processing on the Growth of Cognitive Abilities <p>Language is a key factor in influencing cognitive development, and there is a complicated and entwined relationship between language and cognitive science. The relationship between language and cognitive science is further explored through the study of brain functions and mind, leading to the emergence of disciplines like cognitive neuroscience and neurolinguistics. Cognitive development is greatly impacted by language processing in a number of ways. First, memory development is influenced by language processing. Secondly, domain-general cognitive functions including representational ability, processing speed, and attention are necessary for language processing. Thirdly, there is a connection between language processing and cognitive growth; language processing promotes learning, reasoning, memory, and attention.</p> R Vidya Krishnan S Vinodhini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 40 42 10.34293/english.v12i3.7620 Instilling Values through Short Stories with Special Reference to Sudha Murty’s Grandma’s Bag of Stories <p>Values, like charity, begin at home. Nevertheless we live in a world where digitalizing is everything, and digitalization throws itself into everything from the way we work, communicate, play and even the way we raise our kids. For the most part, it is Wi-fi that brings people in the families together. The exquisite art of coming together to listen to stories from grandmothers is quietly fading away from our absorbed life-style. Story telling is a legacy so lovingly bestowed to us down the generations. The most cherished values for a life time have been endearingly shared through stories around the world. The present paper focuses on the values and life skills imparted in Sudha Murty’s Grandma’s Bag of Stories. Murty has most amusingly enwrapped the values in attractive envelopes and presented them for the child readers.</p> A Hajira Banu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 43 49 10.34293/english.v12i3.7623 The Intersection of Transhumanism, Prognosis, and AI in Dan Brown’s Origin <p>The intersection of Transhumanism, Prognosis, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a topic that has captured the imagination of science fiction writers for years. In Dan Brown’s novel, Origin, he explores the idea that as AI evolves to the point of self-learning, the prospect of a posthuman world becomes increasingly plausible. Artificial intelligence has become ubiquitous, not only in technology but also in the way people think about the world. Machines are learning, and evolving, and are soon expected to surpass human intelligence. However, this pursuit of creating the ultimate AI raises ethical and moral concerns. The idea of a machine achieving sentience and surpassing human intelligence is a nightmare scenario for some who fear the rise of artificial intelligence. In his quest to create the ultimate AI, the protagonist in “Origin” has plunged into dangerous territory, pushing the limits of what is acceptable. The defining technology of the modern era is artificial intelligence, a force that is transforming every aspect of society from finance to healthcare to transportation. As AI continues to advance, people are becoming increasingly concerned about the ethical implications of creating machines that can think and reason like humans. Transhumanism, which aims to enhance human capabilities through the use of technology, is closely linked with the development of AI. The coalescence of man and machine is becoming a real possibility, and the future belongs to those who can control it. In conclusion, the intersection of transhumanism, prognosis, and AI raises important ethical and moral questions about the future of humanity. As we continue to develop AI, it is essential to consider the potential consequences of creating machines that can think and reason like humans. The quest for the ultimate AI is a double-edged sword, and we must be careful not to plunge too far into dangerous territory.</p> Suresh Frederick Larin John Reid ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 50 53 10.34293/english.v12i3.7624 Integrative, Hierarchic, and Anarchic Oikos in Ancient Tamil Poetry: An Analysis of Ainkurunuru’s Translation by Martha Ann Selby <p>This paper explores the intricate depiction of oikos in the Sangam literary corpus, specifically through an analysis of the Ainkurunuru’s translation by Martha Ann Selby, namely, Tamil Love Poetry: One of the most influential collections of the Tamil literature is known as the Five Hundred Short Poems of the Ainkurunuru. Using tiNai poetics’ model by Nirmal Selvamony, the study digs into how the environment and society are depicted in the ancient Tamil poetry and it is manifested&nbsp;on integrative oikos which has “all-inclusive harmony”. This approach of harmony and unity&nbsp;of the universal Tamil culture, on the other hand, is the epitome of the close ecological bond transcended by the people, as they do not just merely live in the environment but also significantly contribute to the community’s cultural and daily lifestyle through the natural world. The paper further identifies and analyses two additional aspects of oikos depicted in the poetry: from the top-down decision making systems to the anarchist movements alike. The oikos of nature is highly hierarchical. It shows up in the social stratification and environmental stability, which mirrors the society’s respect to leaders with decision-making power. On the contrary, a sort of anarchy may show up in the oikos fragments that in turn encompass turmoil and subversion, the deviance away from ordinary principles in both nature and society, symbolizing the flow of life together with its upheavals that the man and nature relationship represents.</p> S Garret Raja Immanuel ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 54 63 10.34293/english.v12i3.7485 Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun: A Posthumanist Anatomization <p>Kazuo Ishiguro’s eighth novel Klara and the Sun is a quintessence to manifest Ishiguro’s power when he tactfully explored the new arena of technology that encompasses Artificial Intelligence and Gene Editing. The novel stands as a test of time to prove Ishiguro’s humanitarianism in the post era of pandemic. While transhumanism is on the rise, the society is in a great flux across the globe with speedy technology that marches to post humanist epoch. It is a watershed moment to wake up to the fact that breakthrough in technology has mixed blessings and albeit the high fidelity world provides sophisticated artificial intelligence to aid human existence, still there are certain things a machine has less competence doing. The article aims to give a panoramic view of how the novel foreshadows post anthropocentric world where it questions the identity of human dignity and how with the leading edge of technology viz. gene editing to push the frontier of the human excellence for the maximum reap will come home to roost.</p> P Catherine Benita ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 12 3 64 71 10.34293/english.v12i3.7636