Shanlax International Journal of English <p>P-ISSN: 2320-2645 | E-ISSN: 2582-3531</p> en-US (Shanlax Journals) Sat, 01 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Unveiling the Power of Poetic Language: A Creative Exploration <p>The rudimentary aim of this article is to unveil the power of poetic language in the expressions.&nbsp;Employing an exploratory research design, the analysis was executed on primary data taken&nbsp;from the selected poetic lines of nineteen English poems which fulfilled the purpose of the study,&nbsp;and the secondary data were mustered from journal articles and books published between 1609&nbsp;and 2024. The findings reveal that poetic language induces strong emotions, encourages diverse&nbsp;interpretations, and enhances sensory experiences. It stimulates critical thinking, expresses&nbsp;complex ideas concisely, and connects with universal themes, while amplifying emotional&nbsp;resonance and transforming ordinary language. It also challenges conventional thinking, explores&nbsp;the human condition, invokes a sense of timelessness, and reflects cultural identity. Moreover,&nbsp;it fosters empathy, uses sound to shape meaning, illuminates hidden realities, expresses inner&nbsp;turmoil, celebrates the sublime, inspires action, and preserves cultural memory. These insights&nbsp;have significant implications for both students and teachers of English literature as they offer new&nbsp;perspectives on how poetry can play a prominent role in influencing communication.&nbsp;</p> Lok Raj Sharma ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 01 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Opium Wars and Subaltern Voices in Amitav Ghosh Novels <p>Amitav Ghosh is a renowned Indian English writer known for his skillful storytelling, combining&nbsp;historical events and intellectual insights. He focuses on the subaltern, marginalized, downtrodden,&nbsp;and subjugated individuals, as well as overlooked historical events. One of his notable works is the&nbsp;Ibis trilogy, which explores the overlooked Opium Wars, a conflict between Western nations and&nbsp;the ruling Qing dynasty of China. The term ‘subaltern’ refers to individuals in lower positions,&nbsp;often used in postcolonial studies to denote the dominance of ruling classes over subordinate&nbsp;classes like workers and peasants. Amitav Ghosh’s works are based on the idea that history imparts&nbsp;knowledge of previous events, enabling us to comprehend the present and lay the groundwork for&nbsp;the future. His Ibis trilogy provides insight into the Opium Wars and serves as a foundation for his&nbsp;work. Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes the individual’s existence and&nbsp;the meaning of life. It is the most individualistic philosophy among all contemporary philosophies,&nbsp;with its main principle being the complete freedom of the person.</p> W. M. Seenivas Leandar Bias, V. Rajendran ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 01 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Kamala Das: A Radical Voice in Indian English Confessional Poetry <p>A seminal figure in the domain of Indian English poetry, Kamala Das is recognized as one&nbsp;of the prominent authors emerging from the third phase of Indian English Literature. Noted&nbsp;for her contentious yet widely acclaimed contributions, she is particularly distinguished&nbsp;for her confessional approach to writing. The exploration of identity has consistently been a&nbsp;predominant focus within her literary oeuvre. In her personal existence, her sense of identity&nbsp;remained perpetually unsettled. Her profound longing for self-identity and her aspirations for&nbsp;love constitute the central motifs present in the majority of her literary works. This longing and&nbsp;these aspirations serve as emblematic not only of her individual experiences but also resonate&nbsp;with the broader spectrum of Indian womanhood. In her writings, she embodies the roles of the&nbsp;female, the wife, the mother, as well as that of a partner. The principles of feminism are intricately&nbsp;woven into her poetry, and in her quest for self-identity, she also galvanized other women to seek&nbsp;their own identities. The ensuing paper aims to examine and scrutinize Kamala Das’s selected&nbsp;poems from the collection, Summer in Calcutta, through a feminist lens while also interpreting&nbsp;the identity fluctuations that she encountered.</p> Mayur Rana, Deepika Pant ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 01 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Nature’s Treasure in Ruskin Bond’s Dust on the Mountain <p>A common philosophical belief suggests that a priceless treasure lies within everyone’s heart, yet&nbsp;people often overlook it searching elsewhere and finding nothing. This treasure, though invisible&nbsp;externally reveals itself when one cultivates deep admiration and appreciation expressing these&nbsp;sublime emotions to the world. The renowned writer Ruskin Bond celebrated for his connection&nbsp;to the hills and the “smell of the Himalayas” engages ecocritical readers by highlighting the&nbsp;innocence, purity and simplicity of nature which ultimately enriches human life. While city life&nbsp;may appear to offer treasures and pleasures, tempting people with promises of employment&nbsp;and opportunities. This paper does not underestimate urban living instead it emphasises the&nbsp;inherent goodness, beauty and wealth present in one’s native land. It stresses the importance of&nbsp;recognising the true value of one’s roots. It promotes that individuals are the rightful owners of&nbsp;their homeland not estranged descendants of an unknown master. By exploring this narrative,&nbsp;the paper seeks to inspire readers to cherish and preserve their native surroundings while finding&nbsp;profound fulfillment within their own environment.</p> Antony Raj Y, V. Francis ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 05 Mar 2025 12:46:56 +0000