Pesant Revolt in Madras Presidency

  • R Rajalakshmi Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of History, Kunthavai Nacchiyar Government Arts College for Women (A), Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: agriculture labourer, social groups, economic groups, rural households, agricultural sector, Peasant workers


Peasant may be defined as a person who lives in a rural area, works predominantly agriculture wholly or in part, on other’s lands for his livelihood, as agriculture labourer, share-cropper, tenant and marginal and small owner-farmer. The peasants or the rural poor composed of diverse social and economic groups. The one common factor among them was their dependence upon the rural elites for land and work. As a matter of fact, they constituted the majority of the rural population. According to the estimate of the number of rural poor, 36 percent of rural households in India as a whole in 196061 did not cultivate any land of cultivated less them half an acre each. In addition the households cultivating land house holds.

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