Video Games in Education
Digital electronic games are generally called as video games. It is very popular among all the agegroups in the world. Educational games commonly educate children oncertain skills, keeping them engaged and entertained at the same time. It’s more effective in enhancing student’s interest, motivation and subject matter. Game designers can create effective tools to teach the educational content in a very easy manner. Video games play a role in the development of 21-St century skills. Games are a powerful weapon of developing social and emotional learning in young people. It canmotivate passive students to contribute more than they would in a traditional learning environment. The main uses of videogames are as a platform for distance learning and an instrument for teachinglearning course material. Most of the research has found that educational games and software are effective teaching tools that time playing video games are negatively associated with school performance and that action games can improve game-related visual attention skills.

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