A Study on Internet and E-Mail Facilities in Central Libraries in Tamil Nadu

  • B Jeyamala Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Barathiar University, Coimbatore
  • P Balasubramanian Deputy Librarian, University Library, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Thirunelveli
Keywords: Information Technology, Social-Educational, Cultural, Environment, Encyclopaedia, Internet, E-mail


According to encyclopaedia of library and information science, Public Library is a public institution, supported by taxation, one that opens its collections, facilities and services, without distinction to all students. Today Public Library is considered as an information, education and cultural centre to disseminate information and knowledge to the society. In this era of information technology, people collect information quickly by using internet. Hence, the need has arisen to study about computrization and internet facilities of the District central libraries of Tamil Nadu. Because of the importance of the subject matter, the article is titled as, “A study on the availability of internet and E-mail facilities in District central libraries in Tamil Nadu. “The target group of this study includes library users of the central libraries in the 32 districts of Tamil Nadu.The respondents selected as samples suggested that many aspects of the library environment are changing due to the improved technology. Based on the analysis of the data collected through a structured questionnaire, inferences havebeen made.

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