Sakthividiyal and Social Development

  • N Neela Head & Associate Professor, Department of History
  • Tmt Damayanthi Elizabeth M.Phil (PT) Scholar in History, Sri Meenakshi Government Arts College (W), (A), Madurai
Keywords: social work, Thondu, SAKTHI VIDIYAL, Vidiyal, child’s welfare, high-risk children


Social work is as old as society in existence. The social work either by an individual or a group was common in ancient times. The term voluntary service as what we know today was known in those days as ‘Thondu’ (service). 1 There are ample evidences to prove that services were rendered voluntarily in those days. Sangam, Saiva, vaisnava, Buddhist and Jain literatures mention such services. The advent of Buddhism in India was a beacon light to the rest of society in India as also to the world. The Buddhist order showed a new way in doing service in an organized manner. In fact, educational development at the early period in Tamil Nadu was mainly due to the work of religious institutions. Hence as historical background to this study, briefly analysing the evolution of social work and the concept of service since ancient times down to this day is the desideratum for
understanding the role VO’s in society in a proper perspective. An attempt has been made to study the works and activities of the Voluntary Organisation ‘SakthiVidiyal’ for social development. SAKTHI VIDIYAL was started by Jim Jesudoss in 1996 in Madurai located at 21, kennet Nagar Muthuppatti, Madurai-625003. VIDIYAL has been working for children and women welfare. ‘Vidiyal’ means a new dawn or new beginning and new hope. 2 It has been organizing meetings, lectures, seminars, workshop and training programmes for children and women and makes them aware of their rights and involves them in social, economic and political activities. It serves as a non-religious centre. It was registered under societies- registration act 27 of 1975 old s.no5 of 1993, new S. No. 185 of 2006. 

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