Social Settings in Tamilnadu

  • E Selvamani Ph.D., Research Scholar (Full – Time), P.G & Research Department of History, Government Arts College for Men, Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Ancestral society, determinations, social structure, contemporary, vigorously, Modernization, Liberalization, Globalization


During the age of Sangam our ancestral society was constructed under its five land geographical identity. And they are live from their geo-professional society like group of tribes. During the age they were deferent among them only work of their profession. But there was nothing any determinations of cast or religion among them. From the head of those tribes were given eminently three rulers of ancient realm of Tamil country the Cheras, Cholas and Pandias, but the powers new situations noting to done any impacts on farmer social structure. But after the declined of those rulers with patronage of the newly conquered rulers to organized and constructed the casts system in their contemporary Tamil Society.

The similar impacts are vigorously raised up the cast struggles and upraising at present Tamil Society. The conflicts are discriminates the social contacts. Hence works of this research journal hold its historical realms with keep in mind with the current social situations and its solutions.

The world technologically equipped nations are united the nations of whole world under the layout of the Modernization, Liberalization and Globalization. Under the productive relationships each and every individual men of this world interconnects with one and among without clear conscious of their own. Against this outward nature to fade the real darken side is disserving activity holds on human population of this world, under the names of caste system, religion, racism and the language.

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