Architecture of Kalyana Pasupatheswarar Temple, Karur

  • P Suresh Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of History (SF), Kandasami Kandar’s College, Paramathi Velur, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Karur Kalyanapasupatheswarar, Vimana, Garbhagriha, Tiruchchurrumaligai, Vijayanagar rulers


Karur Kalyanapasupatheswarar temple is one of the most remarkable temples of the Chola period. The temple stands majestically on the western bank of the river Caveri, the gigantic structure drawing the attention of the visitors. The Kalyanapasupatheswarar temple, Karur, has been attempted in the succeeding pages. There is nothing special in such legends, which are associated with many religious centers of the country. But in the present context, what is noteworthy is the fact that such legends seem to have gained currency in a much early period, say that of the Cholas, for some sculptures depicting these stories are found carved on the gopuras, walls, and pillars which had come into existence by then. The sculptors were making use of such stories for the depiction of sculptural art. But later, these stories were collected, and with additions and distortions, they came to be associated with the place.

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