Phenology of the Genus Indigofera L. (Fabaceae-Papilionoideae) of Holalkere and Hosadurga Thaluks of Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India

  • Rachitha C J Department of Botany, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
  • Krishnaswamy K Department of Botany, Sahyadri Science College, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Phenology, Indigofera, Papilionoideae, Holalkere, Hosadurga


Importance of phenology has increased in view of global climate change. Reproductive phenology is responsible for success in seed production and thereby perpetuation of a species. Phenological studies were not given much importance,especially in the region of Holalkere and Hosadurga of chitraduga district of Karnataka state. Hence, attempt was made to study the phenological aspects of the genus Indigofera L. of sub family papilionoideae in the study area. The phenophases viz., leafing, flowering and fruiting and leaf fall are observed for 10 recorded species of the genus Indigofera. The regular Phenological period of the majority of genus was studied,variation in the phenophases of some small herbs and undershrubs was noticed with respect to its ecology. This investigation gives phenological database of the economically important genus Indigofera of the study area. This database can be also utilized, besides this importance, in future, in planning and management of conservational measures in the region.

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