Relationship between Perceived Stress and Coping Pattern amongst Nursing Students

  • Rukmini S Department of Psychology, Government First Grade College Vijayanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Perceived stress, Coping, Nursing students, Male, Female


The present study triesto find the relationship between perceived stress and coping pattern among nursing students. The researcher usedthe tools of Shelden Cohen (1983) and the Cope Scale by Carver CS (1997), included Avoidant Coping and Approach Coping. Astratified random technique was used to select the sample from different hospitals/colleges, nursing students pursuing their studies in various institutions in Karnataka. There werea total of 162 volunteering participants. A selfadministered questionnaire of Perceived Stress Scale and Brief COPE inventory was given to the participantsand the duration of the study was of one month. Statistical methods employed aremean, percentage, standard deviation, t-test, and Spearman’s Coefficient correlation, and were calculated using IBM SPSS. The results of Spearman’s Rho test show that there is a significant positive linear relationship between perceived stress and the following coping skills among the participants

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