School based Educational Program - An Effective Approach to Health Care Among Female Adolescents

  • Lakshmi Mallik Department of Social Work, Karnatak University Dharwad, Karnataka, India
Keywords: School based Educational Program, Female Adolescents, Life Style


Health is a natural facet of liveliness - both by definition and realization. The Indian rishis (sages and scientists of yore) had attributed the secret of “jivem shardah shatam” - hundred years of vigorous, healthy, happy and creative life - to the total harmony of the mode of living with the Nature and the spiritual inheritance of life. The lifestyle plays an important role in remaining healthy as we recognize the important elements of all health maintenance when it comes to our diet; consuming fresh, whole food and dedication to eliminating high fat and oil food products. In particular, for adolescents who are the future generation, need to be examine their significant aspects of health and healthy lifestyles. Hence, the present study aimed to assess the knowledge and awareness level of the female adolescents studying in Govt Schools of Dharwad city Karnataka who have under gone Kishori Awareness Program training an initiative of Sarva Shikshan Abhiyan implemented from 2005 to 2013, and also including non-participant to measure the effectiveness of programme. Findings have revealed that an average of 88.71 per cent is aware of the importance and sources of nutrients as compared to the untrained respondents (an average of 28.82%). Besides, both the groups of respondents are well aware of the contents of food timings and good healthy eating practices. The overall awareness of the health and nutrition issues in both the groups of respondents is equally high. However, when classified in to High, Average and Low levels of awareness, high percentage of both respondents have figured in the High level awareness level. As health and nutrition are part of their life from birth till death, even the untrained respondents seem to have acquired information from the family and the school curriculum.

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