Thirugnana Sambandhar - A Mathematician

  • S Subbulakshmi Director, School of Music And Fine Arts, Vels University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India,
Keywords: Chitra Kavi, Law of Binomial Co-efficient, Multifaceted Personality, Symmetrical Triangle, Thiruezhukkootrirukkai


India has been the Land of notable poets whose exemplary works are world renowned. One such great poet is Thirugnana Sambandhar. He is a saint, poet, philosopher, composer who belongs to 7th Century. He was born in Seerkaazhi of Tamilnadu. He had coined many Special Geometrical poetic structures like Thiru ezhukkootrirukkai (poem with mathematical Triangular Pattern), Maalai Maatru (a poem with palindromic Structure), Mozhi Maatru (a poem in which the meaning of the poem can be observed by a systematic Chane of words), Gomuthri (Flow of the poem in such a way it forms a wave line), Chakramaatru (a poem which is constructed in a circular form ). By the above mentioned amazing structure He has no parallels in the worlds poetry Thirugnana Sambandhar is the epitome of Tamil Literature has penned down many such extraordinary poems. A Mathematician is one who uses an extensive knowledge of Mathematics in their work. Mathematicians are concerned with numbers, data, quantity, structure, space,models and change. Here in this poetic form Thiruezhukkootrirukkai Thirugnana Sambandhar had used numbers in a brilliant way to form a Triangle. This is called “Chitrakavi” in Tamil. By analyzing the whole poem we will get a geometrical structure. In this Thiruezhukkootrirukkai Thirugnana Sambandhar has constructed the words in such a way to form a symmetrical triangle. These triangle is arranged in a perfect mathematical calculation. This can be analysed through the law of binomial co- efficient. This is analysed and proved in this paper. Thirugnana Sambandhar belongs to 7th Century whereas the Scientist and Mathematician Pascal who discovered the law of Bi-nomial co-efficient belongs to 17th century. Other than this Mathematical diagram of triangle this poem has Palindromic numbers which add more beauty to this structure which is also a mathematical calculation. By constructing this amazing poetic structure Thirugnana Sambandhar proves beyond doubt that he is a “Mathematician” of India of the 7th Century itself who had applied the law of triangle earlier.

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