SWOT Analysis of Blended MOOC from Ghanaian University Instructors’ Perspectives

Keywords: Higher Education, Instructional Delivery Strategy, Universities, SWOT, MOOC


Through blended Massive Open Online Courses (b-MOOC/bMOOC), universities in the global south can integrate their courses wholly or partially with the global north for free. Despite adopting such a strategic move in higher education, instructors’ or tutors’ experiences have been rarely explored. The fundamental goal of this research was to ascertain how bMOOC is being used and how it can be incorporated into the on-campus classroom setting to enhance effective teaching and learning in higher educational institutions. The instrument used was mainly online interview question items containing elements of SWOT analysis. A purposively and multi-stage sampling technique was used to select the twenty-five (25) Instructors in the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana who had already used the bMOOC instructional delivery strategy. The result showed that there were available facilitating conditions such as computers, internet access, and ICT laboratories. However, these were inadequate for the sustained and smooth implementation of bMOOC. It was revealed that the university could obtain numerous benefits if bMOOC is implemented appropriately at UCC. These benefits include expanding the distance education program, increasing student enrolment, reducing physical infrastructure costs, and enhancing its public image. It was recommended that before running bMOOC, universities must have and maintain reliable and robust internet connectivity, which should be made accessible to all users. Finally, the universities must make provisions for adequate ICT laboratories.

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