The Trail of Adversities in the Path of Women Empowerment

  • Kaushik Das State Aided College Teacher, Department of Mathematics, Gobardanga Hindu College West Bengal, India
  • Aditi Sen Student, Department of Education (B-ED),Gobardanga Hindu College, West Bengal, India
Keywords: Epitomes, Hard Knocks,, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar,, Raja Rammohan Roy,, Modern Society,, Women Empowerment.


This study is to find out several insights about occurrences behind the empowerment of renowned women till today. Women empowerment is a general term that refers to giving women the power, environment and liberty of thought, action and education to set up career, prosperity and identity. The main objective of this study is to find out the difficulties and adversity that act as a supporting system during their journey to their final goal. This paper relates the ‘Epitomes’ and their ‘Hard Knocks’ in their path of Empowerment and highlighted the Indian heroes Raja Rammohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar who are the first eminent ‘ Tourch bearers’ of modern Women Empowerment. The significance of this research work is to is to find the right supporting person behind empowering women in the past and modern society and how through a trail of hardships they can achieve a great victory in those days. This study employs analysis and discussion in quantitative method and collection of data from Books, Newspapers, Journals, Internet Search and Research papers of the other research work.

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