Social Laxity and Discrimination Against Sanitary Workers – A Case Study Analysis

  • A. Sathishwaran Part-Time Research Scholar, Department of Sociology Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P. Sethurajakumar Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Sanitary Workers, Social Laxity, Public Health, Social Negligence, Social Recognition


Background of the Study 

Background of the Study The social recognition of sanitary workers is in very poor condition in our country. Due to their nature of work as well as their working environments, they are having very pathetic response from the public. Our society is being functioned by the Varna system, obviously we can refuse it, but when we are make a deep analysis about the social stratification in the contemporary era, it should be related with the caste, rural and urban category, socio-economic parities and eventually the working category. Though we are having plenty of constitutional enactments which focus the equality among the people in our society, till today we have having the practice of social stratification. With the above said views the research paper has been conducted with the assistance of case study method to elucidate the social condition of the sanitary workers in the urban areas.


• To study the social recognition of the sanitary workers from their working fields• To analyze the working environments and its consequences on their health • To provide the effective supportive mechanisms to solve the issues of the respondents 

Materials and Methods

To find the condition of sanitary workers, the case study method has been adopted. Due to the time constraints and work nature of sanitary workers, the researcher could not able to find more respondents. Hence the case study method has been adopted by the researcher. Totally five case studies prepared by the researcher. 


The technical assistance of the government towards the sanitary field shall be implemented. They are having some health issues due to the work nature. Regarding society, in some places the ideology of caste and stratification are existing, this has led to the social laxity of the sanitary workers. The public and government shall provide the better appreciation and social approval to the sanitary workers.


The recognition of health workers not only related with the praise of individuals also connected with the ideological change of the public. The work of vulnerable and marginalized communities for the welfare of the public shall be recognized, otherwise there shall be a gap between the developed and underdeveloped communities.

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