Isolation of Fatty Acid Constituents from Ulva Fasciata and its Anticancer Activity on HeLa Cells

  • Ashwini Ramkumar Alagappa University, Karikudi, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Sridar Jayavel Alagappa University, Karikudi, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Anti-Cancer Activity, Cytotoxicity, Fatty Acid Constituents, FAME, Macroalgae, Ulvafsciata


Macroalgae are found as a great source of biologically active compounds important in pharmaceutical industry. In this study, 8 algal samples namely Ulvafasciata (Green algae), Padinagymnosphora, Sargassamwightii, and Turbinariaornate (brown algae), Gracilariacorticata, Halimedamacrolopa, Halymeniadilatata, and Gracilariacrassa (red algae) were collected and identified its fatty acid compositions. U. fasciatawhich showed high fatty acid constituents was further analysed for its anticancer activity against Hela cells by MTT assay and AO/EtBr staining. The results confirmed that U. fasciata could inhibit the Hela cells by cytotoxic activity and by inducing apoptosis and thus could be used as apontential source in treating cancers.

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