Heavy Metal Concentrations in Certain Edible Freshwater Fishes and Sediments from Kapila River in Mysore District, Karnataka

  • GV Venkataramana Professor, Department of Studies in Environmental Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore, Karnataka, India https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4967-4500
  • PN Sandhya Rani Department of Studies in Zoology, Bangalore University Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Heavy Metals, Sediment, Fish, Kapila River, N. Notoptrus, C. Punctatus, G. Giuris


Aim: Three species of fish, Notoptrus notoptrus, Channa punctatus and Glossogobius giuris, were shown to accumulate heavy metals like Zn,Fe,Ni,Pb,Cd, and Cu in their gut-free bodies, liver, and gills.
Methodology: These fish inhabit the Kapila River in the Nanjangud area of the Mysore district.
Result: Fish tissues (muscle, gills and liver) and sediments were found to contain Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn and Cu pollution. It was also determined that these pollutants had accumulated and been physiologically amplified in fish tissues. Sediment samples had greater metal concentrations than water samples or fish tissue samples. The outcome showed that although these metals were present in large quantities throughout the research area, their amounts in the water samples were below detection level (BDL).
Interpretation: According to estimates, the liver and gills accumulated heavy metals in the following order: Fe > Ni > Cu > Pb > Zn and Fe > Pb > Ni > Zn > Cu. Accordingly, Fe occurred before Pb, followed by Ni, Zn and then Cu in the case of whole fish tissues. In comparison to other heavy metals, iron and lead contents in C. punctatus tissues were deliberately elevated. Fish are negatively impacted by heavy metal accumulation in freshwater since they are the primary consumers of aquatic systems. For the most part, people in those regions where fish is the primary food are influenced by the consumption of fish as well.

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