Identifying Fake Users and Detecting Spammers on Social Networks

  • Deepa K.R Department of Master of Computer Applications Raja Rajeswari College of Engineering
  • Bhavana G Department of Master of Computer Applications Raja Rajeswari College of Engineering
Keywords: OSN, Fraudsters, Tweet, Bogus


Numerous people use long-distance informal correspondence channels all throughout the world. Customersparticipation in online entertainment platforms like Facebook and twitter negatively impacts their daily lives. Well-known locations for one person to the next contact have led into targets for fraudsters that need to transmit a significant amount of hazardous and pointless material. Twitter, for instance, is now among the most widely used platforms ever.Permitting an excessive amount of spam. Additionally, the ability to transmit dangerous material by using phoney characters to present false information to customers has increased. Recent web-based informal communities (OSNs) have made it a point of focus to identify spammers and detect bogus Twitter accounts. In this study, we examine methods for identifying Twitter spammers.

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