Challenges Faced by Counsellors in Inclusive Education

  • P. Caroline Jeba Sorna Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Stella Matutina College of Education (Autonomous), Chennai
Keywords: Counselling, Schools and Strategies


Counselling is an important aspect not only in the regular classroom structure but has its significance in Inclusive Education. An inclusive and a diverse environment can drastically improve the wellbeing of students. Traditional methods deal with students of learning difficulties or disabilities by separating them into small groups and teaching them away from their main classmates. This would definitely create an idea that they are different and lower their confidence. Inclusive education gives an opportunity to these students by allowing them to mingle and be part of the mainstream classroom. This paper throws light on the significance of counselling in Inclusive Education, Problems faced by a counsellor in schools, intervention programmes for students with special needs and the challenges the school counsellor might face in future.

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