Effect of Discrete Trial Training and Scripting on Third Person Past Tense Marking of Children with Autism and Cochlear Implant in Tamil Language
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of Discrete Trial Training and scripting on third person past tense marking in children with Autism and cochlear implanted children in Tamil language. Total of 8subjects, 4 children with Autism and 4 with cochlear implant with age group between 6 to 12 yrs. Both the groups were assessed using past tense scoring. Both groups scored 0% in pre therapy assessment. Whereas both groups scored 100% in post therapy assessment. Drastic improvement was recorded. The conclusion of this study indicates that the Discrete Trial Training and Scripting are effective in improving past tense marking of children with Autism and cochlear implant.
Copyright (c) 2024 D Sajee, V Thiruvalluvan

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