Practices and Strategies in Inclusive Education to Accelerate Learning

  • K.K. Nithiya Assistant Professor of Pedagogy in Physical Science, Udaya College of Education, Ammandivilai, K.K. District
Keywords: Inclusive Education, Practices and Strategies, Accelerate Learning


Learning is a lifelong process of acquiring knowledge and skills that flourishes your life. Learning results in the permanent change of behavior. Some of the main characters associated with learning are, learning is for growth, learning is adjustment, learning is purposeful, learning is experience and learning is intelligent. We have traditions of learning, one of which is called school. In a school environment, the teacher is the communicator of sharing ideas and knowledge to the students. The student output will be more if a positive reinforcement gets from the teacher. In a classroom environment, various types of learners are present who are varied in their Intelligence quotient, cultural background, socio-economic status, learning style, physical disabilities etc. To accelerate learning the teacher should not apply same type of teaching methods. The teacher should modify the teaching techniques. Inclusive education increases participation in learning of students because it focuses on student’s progress, curricular needs, and potential problem areas. Inclusive education welcomes all children regardless of individual differences. Inclusive education develops a sense of co- operation because the education is provided to the children with a common vision so it allows the children to play, read, and learn together. Inclusive practices ensures that all children receive equal opportunities despite who they are. Some of the practices in inclusive education are, first meet the needs of students and minimize the obstacles they may face. Some of the strategies in teaching are making the students to working in pairs, groups and individually, make the students to read books, motivate the students in participating sports and musical activities, make the students to write an imaginary stories for developing writing skills, engage the students in Role play. This will make the students to use their strengths and succeed. The teaching strategies aims to create an inclusive learning environment to accelerate learning. The article will discuss some of the practices and strategies in inclusive education to accelerate learning.

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