Colloborative Learning in Professional Education: Role of National Education Policy-2020

  • K. V. Somanadh Assistant Professor, G.S. College of Commerce, Wardha, Maharashtra
Keywords: National Education Policy 2020, Professional Education, Transformation, Abilities


As outlined in the National Education Policy 2020, the cultivation of professionals should include three fundamental elements: a grounding in the ethical and societal significance of public service, specialized instruction in their chosen disciplines, and an education for practical application. These three elements are essential for fostering holistic development in professionals. Furthermore, professional education ought not to be constrained within the narrow boundaries of one’s field of expertise. Rather, it should actively promote critical thinking, interdisciplinary cooperation, and cultivate an atmosphere conducive to discourse, deliberation, exploration, and creativity. These institutions should provide holistic and comprehensive education that goes beyond disciplinary boundaries. By the year 2030, all educational institutions, regardless of their focus on professional or general education, should aim to seamlessly integrate both aspects. Collaborative Learning serves the purpose of the country by ensuring the students contribute equally and share the workload. It also allows students to embrace new challenges and collaborate with their peers on different aspects of their subject while learning.

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