Inclusion is a Fundamental Human Rights

  • T. Keziah Assistant Professor of English Education, N.K.T National College of Education for Women, Chennai
Keywords: Education For All (EFA), Inclusion Education, Basic Human Rights, Special Education Needs


The foundation of Education for All (EFA) is the widely accepted view that access to quality education is crucial to national and personal prosperity. Studies of inclusive education abroad have shown that this view is also upheld by international human rights legislation. Except for kids with “special educational needs” and other disadvantaged groups, inclusion initiatives have failed to adequately address their requirements. It is evident that in order to support them in overcoming obstacles, meeting their specific learning needs, and having access to the best educational opportunities, they require individualised educational interventions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the connection between fundamental human rights and inclusion education. It seeks to offer suggestions and draw conclusions regarding the right to inclusive education for a particular set of disadvantaged kids. A comprehensive and laborious inquiry was conducted to gather convincing arguments and solid evidence from Greek and international literature in order to accomplish this goal.

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