English Language Competence among The First Year Students at Bishop Heber College, Trichy: A Descriptive Study

  • N. Sam Golden Assistant Professor of English, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichy
Keywords: Educational Background, Influential Factors, Language Competency, Nature of School


International communication, commerce, and academia are being dominated by the competency of English language and it offers myriad opportunities on the global stage. Recognising the significance of the English language and the diminishing English language competence in the recent years, this study probes into the factors contributing to English language competency among first-year college students at Bishop Heber College, Trichy. The study aims to identify the relationship of socio-cultural background, prior educational experiences, and awareness on the significance of English language with language incompetency through assessment. This research follows quantitative research methods based on the responses collected through a self-designed questionnaire administered to 100 students. The responses reveal a disturbing trend of low self-consciousness and awareness on the importance of English language, alongside limited exposure and preparation from previous educational backgrounds. The results highlight the need to address certain areas to enhance English language skills and the empowerment of students for academic success and global engagement. Thus, this research aids the students in identifying the cause for the lack of English language competency to move towards success.

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