Mnemonic Kalachakra: A Phenomenological Approach

  • S. Meenakshi Research Scholar, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • A. Tamilselvi Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Phenomenology, Existentialism, Kalachakra, Mnemonic, Cronus Club, Ontology


Science fiction traditionally explores the impact of innovations, often set in futuristic contexts.
Claire North’s novel The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August leverages a unique time travel premise
to delve into themes of life’s meaning and personal struggle. It emphasizes subjective experiences
such as emotions and states, aligning with the philosophical movement of Phenomenology.
The protagonist, a ‘mnemonic’ with perfect memory across lifetimes, exemplifies this concept.
This paper examines how the novel’s depiction of ‘Kalachakras’ reflects Sartre’s Existentialism
and Phenomenology, revealing how human existence transcends natural laws and highlighting
the essence of absurdity.

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