Students Exam Performance Prediction

  • K Lavanya Assistant Professor, Department of AI & DS, Arjun College of Technology
  • G Swathi Department of AI & DS, Arjun College of Technology
  • T Aparna Department of AI & DS, Arjun College of Technology
  • P Viswa Teja Department of AI & DS, Arjun College of Technology
Keywords: GBDT, Student Performance, Educational Data Mining, College Education, Machine Learning, Result Prediction, Kappa Statistic, F-Measure, WEKA


Predicting student performance is crucial for understanding their progress and intervening effectively. This research aims to identify current student status and forecast future results to enable teachers to provide timely guidance and support. By analyzing dependencies for final examinations, we can recommend suitable courses for upcoming semesters, serving as advisor’s to students. Many students struggle due to a lack of proper guidance and monitoring, as teachers can’t monitor everyone simultaneously. An AI system can assist by identifying which students require specific types of support. Ultimately, the goal is to empower students to avoid predicted poor results through proactive intervention, potentially achieving accuracy rates as high as 94.88%.

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