Corporate Social Responsibility and Child Care: A Win-Win Approach for Businesses, Families, and Communities

  • D Suganthi Professor, Department of Business Administration (UG), Hindusthan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
Keywords: CSR, Child Care, Child Welfare


This paper explores the intersection of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and child care, highlighting the benefits of businesses investing in child care initiatives. By providing child care support, companies can improve employee productivity, retention, and well-being, while also contributing to the development of future generations. We examine various CSR initiatives in child care, including on-site facilities, subsidies, parental leave policies, and partnerships with local providers. The article also reveals that CSR in child care not only enhances business performance but also addresses societal challenges, such as work-life balance, gender equality, and social mobility. We conclude that integrating child care into CSR strategies is a win-win approach for businesses, families, and communities, fostering a more sustainable and equitable future.

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