Breaking the Silence on Physical and Emotional Abuse

  • N. K Praveena Krishnan Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Ganesar College of Arts and Science, Melaisivapuri
  • M Sharmila Devi Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Ganesar College of Arts and Science, Melaisivapuri
Keywords: Abuse, Emotional abuse, Physical abuse


Abuse is treating a person in a cruel and harmful manner. The abuse varies from one region to another, but the issue has become an important concern at the global level. It is because the abuses are increasing rapidly affecting the children. The World Health Organisation has stated that almost 3 in 4 children are regularly facing physical punishment and psychological violence, and also every year approximately 40,150 homicide deaths occur due to child maltreatment. The maltreatment includes all types of physical and  motional abuse. Emotional abuse occurs through manipulation, humiliation, negative criticism, etc. Physical abuse occurs through visible marks or scars on the body. These abuses can bring consequences to the  mental health of children affecting the individual’s life and development. This paper highlights the importance of discussing the physical and emotional abuse faced by children and the approaches to  overcome it.

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