An Exploratory Study on Junk Food Consumption among Kids of Rural India

  • MA Velusamy Associate Professor & Head i/c, Department of Social Work Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India
  • S Keerthana Research Associate, Department of Social Work, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Junk Foods, Rural Population, Packaged Eataries, Westerization, Voracious Marketing


Countries across the globe are seeing a rapid increase in all forms of processed and junk foods. Such  eateries are becoming some of easy accessible and affordable stuff for a fast paced population. Equally, recent years people are also witnessing a steady increase in the awareness calls through digital and online media platforms. Unfortunately, the awareness calls only caters to those population that has accessibility, time and advantage of digital world. The disadvantage is largely faced by rural populations of developing countries like India. Marginalized populations such as daily wage workers find it easier to afford cost friendly packaged eateries to their children instead of taking the pain of homemade snacks. Lack of awareness, westernization and voracious marketing has forced such culture on rural population. This study seeks to analyze the causes and implications of such food practises among he financially deprived rural population in India.

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