Impact of Strategic E-HRM Practices towards Operational Performance among Generation Z Employees in Selected IT Companies at Banglore City

  • KP Veena Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Mysore, Karnataka
  • D Shilpa Post Doctoral Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi
Keywords: Generation Z Employees, E-HRM, IT Companies, Organization Development


E-HRM is one of the latest innovations in the business world which is becoming a trend and information technology is changing the way HR departments handle record keeping and information sharing. This research paper discuss the socio-economic background of the generation Z employees and effectiveness implementation of information technology in strategic HRM practices among generation Z employees. Further this study results there is a significant relationship between data entry errors, threat to HR Itself, aligning the e-HRM system with the business constraint, training the users a crucial issue, back-ups and security concerns and lack of IT infrastructure etc. Lastly this study explains that majority of the organizations are seeking the best way to improve their business performance and achievements by developing and adopting new workplace practices that enhance sustained level of high performance and job satisfaction and also increasing the organization development. Therefore this section explains the measure the effectiveness of e-HRM in three dimensions such as, strategic HRM positively affects to the operational performance in selected IT companies at Bangalore City.

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