Comparative Study on Selected Physical Fitness Components Between different Weight Categories of Mysore University Inter-Collegiate Male Wrestlers

  • Ramani - Physical, Culture Instructor, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Maharani’s Science College for Women, JLB Road University of Mysore, Mysore
  • Shashi Raj Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, HITS, Padur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Keywords: Wrestlers, Different Weight Class, Physical Fitness


The aim of this study was to identify whether there is a significant differences of strength endurance (SE) ability in various weight categories like low, meddle & heavy of Mysore University Inter-Collegiate Male Freestyle Wrestlers. For the purpose of the study, 68 male freestyle wrestlers were selected randomly ranging between the age group of 18-25 years. And classify the samples as per the weight class method, total samples has been categorizing into three (3) category on the basis of their body weight; those were the low weight category (57 kg to 70 kg), the middle weight category (70 kg to 92 kg) and the heavy weight category (92 kg to 125 kg) to identify the considerable difference of SE ability. The Burffy test and T-jump test was used to measure the SE fitness ability. And, for Statistical analyses were performed using the ANOVA Statistical technique to identify the level of significant difference among various group of samples. This study revealed that the mean scores of the 32.55 and 22.72 (low weight), 30.60 & 21.20 (meddle weight), 27.78 &17.31 (Heavy weight) with the standard deviation of 3.07 & 1.57 (LW), 3.51 & 1.82 (MW), 5.75 & 3.19 (HW) respectively in burffy (f=6.55/p=0.003) and T-jump test (f=34.96/p=0.000). The conclusion of the investigation was the low weigh group was had more strength endurance ability than the middle & heavy weight category of wrestlers. This study is recommending that probe the reasons for these significant differences were found in these three weight groups in free style wrestlers.

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