Geographical Study and Population Projection of Karnataka State and Mysore District for 2021 and 2031

  • Sri G Bhojaraja Assistant Professor of Geography, Sri D Devaraja Urs Government First Grade College, Hunsur
Keywords: Population, Projection, Census, Population Growth


This paper aims to know the total population of Karnataka state and Mysore district of 2021 and 2031 and the total population growth from 2011 to 2021 and 2031 and to know the negative and positive growth of the population. Karnataka state is vast in size and population and Mysore district is an important district of Karnataka state which is important to know the population growth. Population projection study is important for adequate implementation of plans to provide infrastructure by land pressure and population growth in Karnataka state and Mysore district. Because the population growth in Karnataka and Mysore district is positive in this paper study, this study will help to offset the pressure on housing, agricultural land and job creation which are the main needs of the people here. This paper mainly includes 2011 census data to know the population projection of Karnataka state and Mysore district and with the help of this study the total population size of Karnataka state and Mysore district between 2021 and 2031. Along with this, the importance of population projection and the resulting positive population growth will be discussed.

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