Female Education and Marital Problems in Thilagavathi’s Stories

  • M Radha Research Scholar in Ph.D. Islamiah College (Autonomous), Department of Tamil, Vaniyambadi & Assistant Professor in Tamil, K.M.G College of Arts & Science Ammangakuppam Village, Gudiyatham, Tamil Nadu, India https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8674-6409
Keywords: Tamil short story, Thilagavathi’s short story, Female education, Marriage, Divorce


Themes in the history of Tamil literature adapt to the contemporary context. Literature is created by people with different levels of life. Political economics, socio-cultural and spiritual movements that arise from time to time affect literary creation. History in the history of literature is changing according to the context of the period in which the love of heroism and devotion to the religion of liberation in the world of literature.

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