கலைஞர் மு.கருணாநிதியின் திருக்குறள் உரைநெறிகள்
Kalainjar M. Karunanidhi’s Thirukkural Commentary & A Critical Study
Thirukural is a classic Tamil text consisting of 1330 couplets on virtues and wisdom. It is widely acclaimed for its universal appeal and it is the second most translated book. Thirukural is praised as the holy book for the world (pothumarai). Its all inclusivity, secular thoughts, humane values, worldly wisdom, thoughts on governance, and nature makes it a universal guide. It’s period dates back to 500 BCE and many scholars from parimelarazhagar to Solomon papaya have written commentaries for it. Of the commentaries, Thirukural Karunanidhi’s commentary holds a unique place owing to his Dravidian thoughts background. He applies various rhetorical devices and radical (Dravidian) thoughts to comment on the ancient verse.
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