குறிஞ்சி நிலமென்னும் நல்லாள்

The Good Kurungi Land

  • M Kayalvizhy Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, Pachiyappas College for Women, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Sangam Literature, Kurinji Land, Hills and Forest, Beautiful Nature, Kuravas, Happy Life


Kurungi is the first and best land type of Tamils in the Sangam age. It consists hills and forest. The people lived at there were called as Kuravas. This land was beautiful and solitude and it gave everything to that people. The Sangam literature gave brief description about the Kurungi land. The Kurava people leads a simple and happy life and enjoyed the natural of that land. The land was their mother and it provide everything to them for lead a happy life at there.

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