A Semantic Theories of Tholkappiyam and Aspects in Technical Terms

தொல்காப்பியச் சொற்பொருண்மைக்கோட்பாடுகளும், கலைச்சொல்லாக்க நெறிகளும்

  • N Janakiraman Assistant Professor and Head , Department of Tamil, Bharathidasan University, Constituent College of Arts and Science, Navalurkuttapattu, Srirangam, Trichirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7462-3858
  • P Dhanalakshmi Assistant Professor of Tamil, Department of Tamil, Sri Sarada College for Women (Autonomous), Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Tholkappiyam, Linguistics, Technical Terms, Translation, Transliteration, Conceptualization, New Words, Language Policy, Language Theories, Law of Economy, Adaptation


Tamil language Developed in so many ways of Technical field in this Present Scenario. Technical Terms History is long term to world. Tholkappiyam is a first grammar of Tamil Literary history. Is a first Traditional Grammar. This Grammar Mentioned lot of Departments of Language Development. Terminology field started in 19th and 20th Century.  Its reached out of Computer and Internet Technology. Linguist formation of many of Theories and concept. Some Scholars he creating many terms and published public journals. Some terms is reached some words is outlet. Some terms is Standardize and stabilize. If Every Term is used to people friendly and acceptable. All terms injecting to one basic orgin. The fundamental of Tholkappiyam Grammar. In this research article deals with how to make a new term of Scientific field and law and other fields. The grammarian used to new concept and theories of Based on Tholkappiyam when a complete of Terminology field.

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