India - Korea Ancient Maritime Trade Relations: Korean-Tamil Language, Food and Culture Similarities

கொரியா - இந்தியா இருநாடுகளின் பண்டைய வணிக தொடர்பு, கொரியா - தமிழ்மொழி ஒற்றுமைகள், உணவு, பண்பாட்டு ஒற்றுமைகள்

Keywords: Ancient Tamils, India - Korea, Korea-Tamil Similarities, Ancient Trade, Cultural Similarities, Buddhism


A lot of language, food and cultural similarities found between Korea and Tamil culture of India that many people are unaware. The present article discusses about those similarities. The possible reason behind this language and cultural exchange may be ancient maritime trade and the spread of Buddhism from Tamilagam, India. In addition, evidences from Sangam literature 600 BCE and archeological findings prove Tamil people had an ancient trade with other countries. Recently, anthropologists found skeletal remains of Mongoloids in Adichanallur pre-historic harbor site indicating people indigenous to Southeast Asia travelled to the ancient seaport Korkai, Taminadu, India andTamil people may travelled Korea for trade purpose. This could be the possible reason behind the language and cultural similarities between these two peninsular nations. However, further research is required in this field.

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