Anciant Tamils Attitude towards Five Elements in Nature on the basis of Purananuru

புறநானூறு காட்சிப்படுத்தும் பழந்தமிழர்களின் ‘பூதவியல்சார்’ சிந்தனைகள்

Keywords: Sangam Literature, anciant tamils, five elements in nature, landscape


Ancient Tamils feared natural disasters such as floods, wildfires and landslides and began to worship land, water, fire, air and sky to protect themselves. As an extension of this, the Five elements in nature are worshiped as deities named Varna Bhagavan, Vayu Bhagavan, Surya Bhagavan and Bhumadevi. Later, the ancient tamils, who knew that the world operated through the Five elements in nature. They began to refer the Five elements in nature as a metaphor for gift, mercy, valor, patience, and so on. In the Sangam literature the songs are recorded according to the imagination. The ancient people know the scientific messages from the atom to the universe.

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