The Meaning of the Word Masculinity in Sangam Literature

சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் ஆண்மை என்ற சொல்லின் பொருள்

Keywords: Sangam Literature, masculinity, valor strength, Relationship between Male and female, Individual morality


During the Sangam period the terms aanthakai, aanmai, aan, magan (masculine) are used to refer to a man’s against a woman. However, the meaning of those words is in stark contrast to what could have been said to refer to a woman’s morals in the sense of chastity / femininity. That is, on the level of morality, chastity / femininity x anthakai, aanmai, aan, magan (masculinity), female x masculine are located in opposition. This article explores how these words are used to describe the moral character of men in Sangam songs.

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